Thursday, September 18, 2014

School Special: Learning Disabilities and Vision

The label of Learning Disability is often placed on children as a catch all for any child that has difficulty with any aspect of reading, whether in basic “learning to read” or “reading to learn” stages.

Learning to read difficulties include but are not limited to difficulties with letter recognition, word formation, sight word recognition or phonetic decoding. These are considered some of the basic “learning to read” skills, based upon accurate development and, if necessary, remediation of vision perception skills.

Reading to learn difficulties occur when a child has “broken the reading code”, has sight word and decoding skill along with a reading vocabulary, but has difficulty performing to an academic level where they are intellectually capable. This is often described as lack of speed, fluency, comprehension or retention. There are many sources of these difficulties, which include oculo-motor based focus, fixation, tracking, and binocular integration deficits which can mimic true learning disabilities.

As an Optometric Physician I am charged with and concentrate on reducing or providing compensation for any measurable physical deficits that can impair either the reading to learn or reading to learn processes. Specialists including developmental-behavioral optometrists, specially trained public or private educators, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and others focus on various developmental aspects of the learning to read process including the many components of visual perception required for all learning.

Studies of brain activity during reading are more and more accurate and specific in monitoring brain activity when engaged in many activities including reading. Functional Neuro-Magnetic Resonance Imagery (FNMRI) is an exciting component of my work as a member of the Rogue Valley Medical Center and Providence Medford Medical Center In-Patient Rehabilitation Staff. The effects of materials and procedures that have been clinically applied for generations are now documented as contributing to neuro-processing improvement, in both neuro-muscular control and information processing.

Clinical recommendations for spectacles or therapeutic intervention are based on clinical experience and supported by measurable physical response. Spectacles, contacts or a combination provide a first line of intervention when indicated. They remove measurable physical barriers to efficient uptake of visual information. If the uptake of information is physically compromised educational or therapeutic interventions will not be as effective or efficient. Spectacles are often a necessary and effective adjunct that will enhance and often abbreviate other interventions.

Visit us online or call us at 541-773-1414 to schedule an appointment today with Dr. Douglas Smith, O.D. to evaluate your child's vision today.

Bison Vision Center   |   585 Murphy Road   |   Medford   |   Oregon   |   97504   |   541-773-1414 (o)   |   541-773-5613 (f)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cataracts - An Overview of the Causes

With over 35 years of practicing optometry, I've seen my share of individuals with cataracts. However not all cataracts develop equally. Here are some of my professional insights regarding the causes of cataracts:

The lens of the eye is a uniquely constructed tissue as it allows light to pass through it allowing us to see. The lens is made up of protein that is vulnerable to many things that can cause it to become cloudy or opaque which we call Cataracts.

Most frequently, we know of the cataracts experienced by people as they “season” a bit. The lens absorbs ultraviolet light as it allows visible light to pass through to the retina, through out life. Think of the clear lens as a glass of pure water. If you add milk a drop at a time the pure water becomes cloudy. If you add enough milk the water becomes too opaque to see through. Every birthday is potentially a drop of milk. Stack up enough birthdays and you may develop cataracts.

Age isn't the only factor with regards to cataracts. Diseases, some medications and genetic problems can cause cataracts at any age. Babies are sometimes born with Congenital Cataracts require early removal to prevent lifelong visual problems. Trauma to the eye can also cause the lens to become cloudy. For example, a BB gun injury often results in cataracts in youth especially if the eye is penetrated. Industrial accidents, auto accidents, sports injuries, and blows to the eye are common causes of Traumatic Cataracts. Disease processes such as diabetes can cause cataracts. Some medications, such as steroids prescribed for many conditions can result in Iatrogenic (medically caused) Cataracts. Finally, there are genetic conditions that cause early onset of cataracts.

The good news is that advances in cataract surgery and management can remove the cloudy lens and replace the lens which restore sight with synthetic lenses at any age.

If you have questions about cataracts for you or someone in your life, contact me for an evaluation.

Your Protector of Vision,

Dr. Doug Smith, O.D.
(aka. Doc Bison)

Call 541-773-1414 or go online to schedule an appointment.